
Atlanta Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

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Atlanta Catastrophic Injury Attorney

When a person suffers a personal injury, they are usually able to fully recover with time, appropriate medical care, and compensation for their damages. However, some personal injuries cause long-term or permanent harm, and these are generally known as catastrophic injuries. If you or a family member suffered such an injury because of another party’s actions, it is essential that you consult an experienced Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer as quickly as possible.

Get Legal Counsel For Catastrophic Injury Claims In Atlanta, GA

Stephen LaBriola has decades of professional legal experience and has successfully helped many injured clients in Atlanta and surrounding areas with all types of complex personal injury cases, including those pertaining to catastrophic injuries. If you have suffered any type of life-changing injury because of another party’s actions, it is imperative to understand your legal options and the value of having an attorney you trust on your side.

Your Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer can assist you with every aspect of your case, from gathering the evidence you need to establish liability for your damages to helping you uncover all the various forms of compensation you are eligible to claim from the defendant who injured you. Your attorney can also help you develop a legal strategy that aims to resolve your case as efficiently as possible without sacrificing the quality of your final settlement or verdict.

It is technically possible to file a civil claim for damages without hiring an attorney, but this is inadvisable for several reasons. Any mistakes in the filing of your case may jeopardize your ability to recover compensation for your damages, or you could mistakenly accept a much smaller settlement than an attorney could have secured for you. Additionally, attempting to manage your recovery and your legal affairs on your own would be very difficult.

Ultimately, it is vital to have an experienced legal representative handle your case because a catastrophic injury claim is likely to entail substantial damages, complex questions of liability, and various unpredictable legal challenges that you may not be able to resolve on your own. The right attorney at Fellows LaBriola LLP can be an invaluable asset, allowing you to rest and focus on your recovery while they manage your legal affairs for you.

Common Types Of Catastrophic Injuries In Atlanta

It is possible for a catastrophic injury to occur from a motor vehicle accident, a workplace accident, a botched medical procedure, or many other possible causes. The term “catastrophic injury” applies to any personal injury that causes substantial long-term or permanent harm to the victim, such as inflicting a permanent disability and/or disfigurement that diminishes their quality of life and ability to live independently.

Some of the most commonly cited catastrophic injuries that can effect person life are:

  • Traumatic brain injuries, which can range in severity from mild concussions to life-threatening penetrating head wounds. Any type of damage to the brain is likely to cause profound effects, sometimes leaving the victim with one or more permanent disabilities. Even seemingly minor brain injuries leave victims more susceptible to further brain injuries in the future and have a high chance of causing disruptive long-term symptoms.
  • Spinal cord injuries. Any injury to the spinal cord can result in permanent paralysis. The spinal cord carries brain signals throughout the body, and when the spinal cord is damaged, it cannot repair itself like the rest of the body, so any spinal cord damage is permanent. The scope and severity of the resulting effects depend on the location of the injury on the spine and whether the injury completely severed the spinal cord.
  • Severe burns. Burn injuries are not only excruciatingly painful but also highly traumatic. Victims may suffer permanent scarring on large parts of their bodies and not only deal with extensive physical symptoms but also psychological distress due to disfigurement. Severe burns can also result in permanent disability, such as chronic pain and reduced mobility, and many victims will require multiple skin grafting surgeries.
  • Amputations. The loss of a limb is a life-changing injury that will dramatically diminish the victim’s ability to work and/or live independently. Losing a leg significantly impairs mobility, and the victim may require years of rehabilitative therapy to regain any significant mobility. Losing a hand or arm can severely diminish the ability to work and/or complete everyday household tasks without assistance.
  • Birth injuries. Medical malpractice may result in serious injury to an infant and/or the infant’s mother during childbirth. This could result in cerebral palsy or a wide range of other developmental effects on the child, potentially meaning lifelong disability. There are special rules that apply to catastrophic injury claims filed in response to medical malpractice that you must understand if you intend to file such a case.
  • Severe psychological trauma. It is possible for a catastrophic injury claim to involve profound psychological harm to the victim. While they may have suffered minimal physical harm, the nature of their experience may have caused depression, anxiety, or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It is more difficult to prove liability for psychological harm, but the right attorney can provide valuable guidance in this case.
  • Severe bone fractures. While many bone fractures can heal if victims receive proper medical care and rehabilitative treatment, severe compound fractures may require surgical placement of steel pins and plates, and depending on the location and severity of the fracture, the victim may struggle with severe mobility issues for months or even years. Some victims will also suffer from chronic pain and permanent nerve damage.

Any personal injury that causes severe long-term or permanent harm can qualify as a catastrophic injury. If you believe you have grounds to file a personal injury suit against another party who inflicted such an injury on you or a family member, it is vital to consult an Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer as quickly as possible. You have a limited time to file your case and must begin gathering evidence right away to ensure the greatest chances of success.

While you may know exactly how your accident happened, the formal process of gathering evidence to support your claim is likely to be more difficult than you may initially expect. Securing legal representation as quickly as possible after your injury is the most effective way to ensure you can establish fault for your injury and hold the appropriate party or parties accountable for the damage they have done.

Proving Liability For Your Catastrophic Injury In Atlanta

You must be prepared to prove fault for your catastrophic injury before you can recover any compensation for the damages you suffered. This means gathering proof that the defendant directly caused your injury through an act of negligence or by some form of intentional misconduct. For example, if you were injured in a car accident, the other driver may have caused it because of distracted driving or driving under the influence.

An Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer can review the details of your accident and help you determine what evidence you will need to firmly establish fault for the injury. If you must prove negligence caused your catastrophic injury, it will require proof that the defendant breached a duty of care in the situation and that this breach directly resulted in your injury. You must also be prepared to establish causation between your claimed damages and their actions.

If the defendant in your case broke the law in causing your catastrophic injury, they are likely to face criminal prosecution from the state. However, the purpose of a criminal case is not to compensate a victim but to punish the defendant for breaking the law. Your civil suit will be your primary mechanism for securing compensation for your damages, but the illegal nature of the defendant’s actions could mean that you could recover punitive damages at the court’s discretion.

Claiming Compensation For A Catastrophic Injury

In every personal injury case in Atlanta, an injured plaintiff has the right to seek compensation for economic damages or the direct financial losses they suffered because of a defendant’s negligence or illegal misconduct. Economic damages will need to be proven with the correct documentation, and it is important for the injured plaintiff to remember they can seek compensation for projected future losses as well as their immediate damages.

For example, the victim of a catastrophic injury may not only require expensive medical care immediately following their accident but also long-term medical treatment in order for them to reach maximum medical improvement from the injury. The defendant who caused the injury would be liable for these projected future medical expenses. Your attorney can help you prove the extent of the medical treatment you require for your catastrophic injury.

Similarly, if your injury prevents you from working while you recover, you can claim compensation for the wages you are unable to earn during this time. However, if you are completely unable to work in the future due to the injury, the defendant would also be responsible for the income you are no longer able to earn. Your Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer can help you calculate your lost future earning potential and add this to your claim.

You will also have the right to claim compensation for any property damage the defendant caused. Depending on how your accident happened, the defendant’s insurance may cover some of your damages. For example, if you were injured in a car accident, you can file a claim against the defendant’s auto insurance policy. Your attorney can help with this, and you will need their assistance to pursue additional legal recourse if insurance won’t fully cover your damages.

Pain And Suffering Compensation For A Catastrophic Injury

In addition to the economic damages you suffered, you also have the right to seek compensation for the pain and suffering the defendant inflicted. Georgia law does not set any limits on pain and suffering compensation except for medical malpractice cases. For all other personal injury cases, an injured plaintiff can claim whatever amount they believe reasonably reflects the severity of the harm they suffered because of the defendant’s actions.

Catastrophic injuries are not only physically damaging but also cause significant psychological harm. This is especially true if the victim has been permanently disfigured and/or disabled by their injury, as they may contend with limited capacity to work and/or live independently in the future. Many people who suffer catastrophic injuries develop deep psychological distress because of the effects of these injuries.

You have the right to seek compensation that reflects the physical pain, emotional suffering, and psychological trauma you experienced because of the defendant’s actions. Generally, the more serious an injury, the more the injured plaintiff can expect to receive in pain and suffering compensation. Your Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer can help you determine how to calculate pain and suffering compensation to seek with your claim.

Resolving Your Catastrophic Injury Case In Atlanta

An experienced Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer can be a crucial asset for every stage of your personal injury case, from gathering the evidence you need to prove fault and determining whether you have valid grounds to file a civil suit to guiding you through the claim-filing process and assessing the extent of your claimable damages. After a life-changing personal injury, it is imperative to have a reliable attorney on your side.

Stephen LaBriola approaches every catastrophic injury claim with the intent to win and to ensure the client secures maximum compensation for their damages. When you choose Stephen LaBriola to represent you, your attorney will be fully invested in every aspect of your case, ready to provide updates and guidance when needed and provide ongoing reassurance as the case unfolds.

It’s possible to settle a civil case outside of court in a fraction of the time that litigation may require, but there is no guarantee that a plaintiff can maximize their recovery from a privately negotiated settlement. There are also risks involved with litigating a civil claim for damages as the court may not see things as you do. Your Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer can advise you as to the optimal route to resolving your case and securing maximum compensation.


How Does a Personal Injury Qualify as Catastrophic?

A personal injury typically qualifies as catastrophic if it causes permanent harm to the victim. If the injury results in permanent disability of any kind, severe psychological trauma, and/or interferes with the victim’s ability to work or live independently, it likely qualifies as a catastrophic injury. Consult an experienced Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer if you are unsure of the status of your personal injury and what damages you could potentially recover.

How Do You Prove Fault for a Catastrophic Injury in Atlanta, GA?

What Is a Catastrophic Injury Claim Worth in Atlanta?

How Long Does It Take to Resolve a Catastrophic Injury Case?

Why Should I Hire an Atlanta Catastrophic Injury Lawyer?

Contact Us for Legal Support in Catastrophic Injury Cases

Stephen LaBriola is ready to help you build a cohesive and effective civil suit that aims for maximum recovery of your damages. You have a limited time to file your case, and the evidence you may need to prove fault may not be accessible for long, so it’s vital to connect with an attorney as quickly as possible. Contact Stephen LaBriola today and schedule a free consultation with an Atlanta catastrophic injury lawyer to discuss your legal options.

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